Thursday, May 23, 2013

Friday blog review: Simple Mom

I love this blog and the way it focusses on giving to yourself so that you can give to others, primarily your own children. Simple Mom: live intentionally says Tsh, the creator. I love this message and want to know more.

As I scroll through I see her recommended reading list and take a look - wow! Great books here with a heartfelt review of each and why she's found them important. I'll need to get a couple of those I think. Then I see a lovely quote about reading from C.S. Lewis:

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"

I like that.

I look further, intrigued by Tsh and her message, and more particularly how she came to write a blog about living simply. I find her list of her favourite posts and read through these to get to know her site more. I discover that she has had depression like me and I feel a further connection to her and her message. I really like her post on The beauty of living...slowly and ponder whether I'm too busy and need to take stock (again) of where I'm at and whether it suits me.

I also like her post titled A public school parent's guide to learning at home - this is exactly where I'm at right now and feel relieved that someone else is in the place I'm in. I really like her quote about what we can do as parents, even if our children go to school:

"Continuing to build a home where learning is nurtured and valued is one of the best ways we can equip our children for life after graduation".

I see a list of downloads available for free, created by Tsh, to help simplify your day, week, life... And I like free-stuff, so this makes me feel supported and kind of special. It also makes me think about the purpose of a blog - is it for me or is it for others? Tsh shows me that I can give stuff away, freely, without ties or expectations. That is something for me to think about. I also notice that Simple Mom is an online community, not a company or marketing gimmick, it invites others with similar interests to join in and contribute.

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